Documentary Film on Maya Deren:
In the Mirror of Maya Deren
by Martina Kudlacek.
DVD includes:
WITCH'S CRADLE (1943), outtakes from a lost work starring Marcel Duchamp filmed at the Peggy Guggenheim Art of this Century Gallery.
ENSEMBLE FOR SOMNAMBULISTS (1951), an unpublished choreographic work from a workshop Maya held in Toronto with film students.
Stan Brakhage's hand-painted film WATER FOR MAYA (2000), a tribute to Deren.Synopsis: The feature-length documentary In the Mirror of Maya Deren reconstructs the exciting biography of the legendary artist Maya Deren. Born in Kiev 1917, she was to become a central figure of the American avantgarde in the Forties and Fifties. She is best known for her ground-breaking work in experimental film and as Vodoun devotee. She died in New York 1961. We are on the search for the Persona of Maya Deren focusing on the major themes of her life: film art, choreography, dance, ritual, Vodoun. Following the traces of this important woman pioneer of the 20th century, the film visits the places and people of her life drawing the picture of a modern myth.
Interview of Martina Kudlacek with Robert Gardner; Bomb 81/Fall 2002