New Books and
New Books
Italian) Sulle tracce di Maya Deren.
Il cinema come progetto e avventura by Anita Tirvelli.
Pioniera e leader del cinema off Hollywood
del secondo dopoguerra, Maya Deren (Kijev
1917 - New York 1961) seppe affermarsi
in un periodo e in territori in cui
ben poche possibilita venivano date
a una giovane donna. Non allineata,
sempre fuori fasespetto ai discorsi
dominanti, Maya Deren fu anticipatrice
vera, portata d'istinto a dubitare delle
formule facili, a sperimentare e a misurarsi
continuamente con la realta. Una pratica
creativa e intellettuale,la sua, che
si rivelo presto piuttosto scomoda nonostante
la fama raggiunta negli anni '40, perche
di difficile collocazione in rapporto
ai piu importanti fenomeni di tendenza
del suo tempo. A cominciare dall'etichetta
di surrealista dalla quale la stessa
Deren si dissocio, criticando esplicitamente
le interpretazioni psicoanalitiche dei
suoi film. Questa prima monografia italiana
sulla filmmaker statunitense intende
sottoporre all'attenzione del lettore
la sua opera cinematografica e i suoi
scritti piu importanti, lungo l'itinerario
esistenziale della regista e le tappe
principali che ne scandirono l'incontro
con l'arte e con il cinema: dalla scoperta
della vocazione cinematografica, al
fianco del cineasta cecoslovacco Sasha
Hammid, ai ripetuti soggiorni ad Haiti,
che produssero un film mai montato sulle
danze e i riti vudu, un libro antropologico
sullo stesso argomento e l'iniziazione
religiosa. Sulle tracce di Maya Deren
ci conduce all'interno di una pratica
radicale, segnata dal profondo impegno
etico che innerva l'idea di cinema indipendente
che fu propria della cineasta. Una pratica
che recupera la piu autentica matrice
ritualistica, mitologica e antropologica
della settima arte, con un affascinante
e irriducibile gesto di modernita cinematografica.
Anita Trivelli insegna Storia e Critica
del cinema presso l'Universita Gabriele
d'Annunzio di Pescara.
Moira Sullivan: An Anagram of the Ideas of Filmmaker
Maya Deren, revised edition in progress. Doctoral thesis published in 1997 based
on the Maya Deren collection holdings
at Boston University Mugar Library
Special Collections, including graduate
theses, An Anagram of the Ideas of
Art Form and Film, promotional material,
articles and the shooting scripts of
Maya Deren's films. All information
based on how Deren regarded her own
legacy, written in the spirit of her
time. Extensive previously unpublished
information on Deren's personal writing
and background to Deren's ethnographic
research and filmmaking in Haiti. Sullivan
spent five years in the Boston archives,
creating supplementary catalogues for
the collection and studied Deren's incomplete
and completed films at Anthology Film
Archives in New York.
Contact Moira Sullivan
Deren: Collected Writings on Film by
Maya Deren, edited with a preface by
Bruce R. McPherson, Documentext, Kingston,
New York, 2005.
Until now, Maya
Deren's essays on the art and craft of
filmmaking have not been available in
a comprehensive volume equally handy
for students, film enthusiasts, and scholars.
Essential Deren: Collected Writings on
Film contains all of Deren's essays on
her own films as well as more general
essays on film theory, the relation of
film to dance, various technical aspects
of film production, the distinction between
amateur and professional filmmaking,
and the famous 1946 chapbook titled An
Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form and Film,
which has been reset here for the first
time. There are hard-to-find articles
written for magazines and art journals,
as well as lectures, QA sessions, program
notes, and manifestoes. This book will
be particularly welcomed by the large
audience that saw Martina Kudlacek's
documentary, In the Mirror of Maya Deren,
during its theatrical release in the
U.S. and Europe in 2002. The importance
of Maya Deren's films and writings is
further evidenced by the American Film
Institute having named its highest award
for independent filmmaking the Maya Deren.Includes
the complete text of An Anagram of
Ideas on Art, Form, and Film.
Bill Nichols,
Regarded as one of the founders of the
postwar American independent cinema,
the legendary Maya Deren was a poet,
photographer, ethnographer, filmmaker
and impresario. Her efforts to promote
an independent cinema have inspired
filmmakers for over fifty years. Meshes
of the Afternoon (1943) ranks among
the most widely viewed of all avant-garde
films. The eleven essays gathered here
examine Maya Deren's writings, films,
and legacy from a variety of intriguing
perspectives. Some address her relative
neglect during the rise of feminist
film theory; all argue for her enduring
significance. The essays cast light
on her aesthetics and ethics, her exploration
of film form and of other cultures,
her role as (woman) artist and as film
theorist. Maya Deren and the American
Avant-Garde also includes one of the
most significant reflections on the
nature of art and the responsibilities
of the filmmaker ever written--Deren's
influential but long out-of-print book,
An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form and
Film, in its entirety. (Includes chapters
by Moira Sullivan and Renata Jackson!)
the complete text of An Anagram of
Ideas on Art, Form, and Film.
Renata Jackson: The Modernist Poetics and Experimental Film Practice of Maya Deren, Edwin Mellen Press 2002.... "a fine piece of scholarship on the life, films and film theory of this important American artist. The biographical chapter, rich in insight and authoritative in its facts, fleshes out the skeletal and sometimes inaccurate information published on Deren in the various anthologies. Jackson's extended analysis of the 1946 Anagram of Ideas on Art Form and Film also redresses the long absence in cinema studies of any serious consideration of this complex and principled treatise on the conjunction of issues in art, ethics, and motion pictures. In addition, the author investigates Deren's long involvement with Haitian cultureparticularly its dance forms and religious practicesand clarifies previously cloudy information regarding Deren's unfinished film on Voudoun". - Catrina Neiman, co author of The Legend of Maya Deren.