Books and Publication


Essential Deren: Collected Writings on Film by Maya Deren, edited with a preface by Bruce R. McPherson, Documentext, Kingston, New York 2005.

Includes the complete text of An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form, and Film.

Maya Deren and the American Avant-Garde, Bill Nichols, editor 2001. Includes the complete text of An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form, and Film.






Renata Jackson: The Modernist Poetics and Experimental Film Practice of Maya Deren, Edwin Mellen Press 2002.

Moira Sullivan: An Anagram of the Ideas of Filmmaker Maya Deren. Doctoral thesis published in 1997 based on the Maya Karlstad University, 1997

Doctoral thesis published in 1997 based on the Maya Deren collection holdings at Boston University Mugar Library Special Collections and the shooting scripts of Maya Deren's films. Extensive previously unpublished information on Deren's personal writing and background to Deren's ethnographic research and filmmaking in Haiti.

Contact: Moira Sullivan
